Bug Report
BlueOnyx > Software Updates > Support > Bug Report
Allows you to submit a Bugreport to BlueOnyx. Please use this to report problems with and deficiencies of the BlueOnyx GUI.
Your Name: Please enter your name here. It will be used on the support email to identify who is sending the email.
Your Email: Email address that is used for the support request. If the server is linked via NewLinQ, then this will default to the email address that has been used to register this server with NewLinQ.
Recipient Name: Name of the recipient of the bugreport.
Recipient Email Address: Email address of the BlueOnyx.it Bugtracker.
Subject: Please enter a descriptive subject that best describes the problem that you are reporting.
Server Model: Shows the model of the server and the build version. This is included in bugreports and tickets.
Extremely Important
Very Important
Average importance
Not very important
Bug URL: If the bug happened on a particular
GUI page, then please include the
URL of the page where this happened. Example: /vsite/addVsite
Include SOS-Report: Allows you to include the SOS-Report in your bugreport. In this case the external
URL to the SOS-Report will be included in the bugreport email, so that the BlueOnyx developers can access it. You hereby grant your permission for BlueOnyx.it to access the SOS-Report for troubleshooting.
Description: Please enter a detailed description of the problem you encountered. Also please include any other information which might be of relevance or any error message that you did encounter. Please be specific and please be detailed. 'Doesn't work' isn't a bugreport that we can work with.
Click “Save” to save (send) the bugreport to the receiving authority.