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Usage Settings

BlueOnyx > Site Management > Usage Information > Settings

Use this screen to configure Usage Information and Statistics Generation for this site.

  • Enable Statistics Generation: Check to enable Virtual Site web, FTP, and email usage statistics.
  • Detail Level: The detail level determines whether daily statistics information files are combined into one monthly statistics information file per month. This does not affect statistics information for the current month. If Daily is selected, you can generate reports containing less than one month's worth of statistics for months prior to the current month. If Monthly is selected, you can only generate reports containing the statistics for whole months for months prior to the current month. Statistics combination cannot be undone for months that have been combined already. Selecting Monthly will consume less disk space compared to Daily.
  • Statistics History: This option determines how far back in time you will be able to cover in statistics reports. A longer period of time allows you to generate reports with a longer history at the expense of disk space.
userguide/sitestats/statsettings.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/24 00:20 by