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Disk Usage

BlueOnyx > Site Management > Usage Information > Disk

Selecting this menu item brings up the Disk Usage screen. The Disk screen displays the disk usage by site host name, by service and by user.

Disk Usage summary
  • Disk Space Used: The total disk space used by users.
  • Disk Space Free: The total disk space that is still available for use.
  • Percentage Used: The percentage of the available disk space being used.
Usage breakdown by service
  • Service: These applications or system services may consume disk space.
  • Disk Usage: The amount of disk space used by each service.
  • Allowed Disk Space: The amount of disk space available to each service.
  • Percentage Used: This shows the percentage of the service's allowed disk space that is currently used.
Usage breakdown by user
  • User Name: The user name of each user.
  • Disk Usage: The amount of disk space used by each user.
  • Allowed Disk Space: The amount of disk space available to each user.
  • Percentage Used: This shows the percentage of the user's allowed disk space that is currently used.
userguide/disk/groupdiskusage.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/24 00:17 by