MySQL Configuration

Server Management > Network Services > MySQL Configuration

Allows you to configure the automatic MySQL database and user creation. This is broken into 2 sections: Auto-Create MySQL Users and Databases and /etc/my.cnf Editor.

  • MySQL auto-create: Allows automatic creation of MySQL users and databases through the GUI. Either upon creating a new site, or by editing the 'Web' services of an existing site. Only server administrators have this capability.

Default database privileges:

  • Select: Allows reading data
  • Insert: Allows inserting and replacing data
  • Update: Allows changing data
  • Delete: Allows deleting data
  • File: Allows importing data from files and exporting data to files. Not set by default.
  • Create: Allows creating databases and tables.
  • Alter: Allows altering the structure of existing tables.
  • Index: Allows creating and dropping indexes.
  • Drop: Allows dropping of databases and tables.
  • Create Temporary Tables: Allows creating temporary tables.
  • Create View: Allows creating new views. (Only available in MySQL5 or better.)
  • Show View: Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries. (Only available in MySQL5 or better.)
  • Create Routine: Allows creating stored routines. (Only available in MySQL5 or better.)
  • Alter Routine: Allows altering and dropping of stored routines. (Only available in MySQL5 or better.)
  • Execute: Allows running of store routines. (Only available in MySQL5 or better.)
  • Max Queries Per Hour: Limits the number of queries a user may send to the server per hour. '0' means no limit.
  • Max Connections Per Hour: Limits the number of connections the user may open per hour. '0' means no limit.
  • Max Updates Per Hour: Limits the number of commands that change any table or database the user may execute per hour. '0' means no limit.

/etc/my.cnf Editor

Here you can edit your my.cnf directly. Please note that this editor does not check if what you enter makes any sense. It doesn't correct typos or wrong definitions.