Server Management > Security > Logfiles
Allows you to examine the server logfiles via the server GUI. Logfiles may be useful for troubleshooting or investigating activity that takes place on the server. Newest activity is towards the bottom of the file.
/var/log/cron: log output of the server's
/var/log/maillog: log output of the server's maillog, including Sendmail, Dovecot and Spamassassin/CLAM (if installed, ie: via optional
AV-SPAM module) entries.
/var/log/messages: contains messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and certain applications.
/var/log/secure: security and authorization-level messages.
/var/log/admserv/adm_access: log output of the server
GUI (BlueOnyx Desktop) access log.
/var/log/admserv/adm_error: log output of the server
GUI (BlueOnyx Desktop) error log.