====Power Options==== [[userguide:servermanagement|Server Management]] > [[userguide:servermanagement:systemsettings|System Settings]] > Power Options This page allows you to reboot or shut down the server. * **Reboot Now**: Click here to reboot the server appliance. * **Shutdown**: Click here to power down the server. This will power off the server and you will need physical access to it to power it up again. **NOTE**: When performing power operations on the server, there will be no output to the GUI indicating status. It is highly recommended that you do not perform a reboot unless you have a provision for on-site monitoring or assistance in the event that the system fails to automatically start. **WARNING**: Selecting Shutdown will issue a "halt" command to the server, and power can not be restored without physically manipulating the server power switch. This might not be the best of ideas. I hope you know what you are doing. Seriously.