User Tools

Site Tools


This is an old revision of the document!

  • IP Address: This is the IP Address of the site.
  • Host and Domain Name: Enter the host name of the site in the first field and the domain name in the second field. For example, the host name could be www, mail, etc. The domain name could be,, etc.
  • Owner: Shows the owner of this virtual site.
  • Site Prefix: The Site Prefix; is an optional prefix that allows you to identify users or services related to a site. If set, all (newly created) usernames will be prefixed with this string. A prefix must be alphanumeric (numbers and/or letters only) and may not be longer than five characters. Please note: A prefix can be added or changed at a later time. But doing so will NOT affect any usernames that are already present.
  • Maximum Allowed Disk Space: The maximum disk space on the server available to a site for files.
  • Maximum Allowed Number of Users: The maximum number of user accounts that a site can have.
  • Automatic DNS Configuration: Automatic DNS configuration manages DNS records for this site. Web and Email server aliases are supported only if they share the site domain name. This service does not register the domain name with a top level registrar.
  • Preview Site Configuration: If checked, preview site is created. You can access preview site on http://ServerName/VsiteName/.
  • Suspend: If checked, this site is suspended. Suspending a site will completely disable access for users of this site as well as the web and ftp site associated with it.
userguide/vsite/vsitemod.1406110372.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/23 20:12 by