====SSH Access==== [[userguide:start|BlueOnyx]] > [[userguide:personalprofile:|Personal Profile]] > SSH Access Allows you to create and manage your SSH keys and PEM certificates for your SSH logins. ==SSH Key Length== Specifies the number of bits in the key for newly created keys or certificates. The default is 2048 bits. Generally, 2048 bits is considered sufficient, but you can create keys with more bits. Please note that longer keys take longer to create. Longer keys also have a negative impact on SSH performance. ==SSH Keys== Shows if SSH public and private keys are present. If not, you can tick the checkbox and have them created. ==PEM Certificates== Shows if SSH public and private PEM certificates are present. If not, you can tick the checkbox and have them created. ==Type== Shows the type of the public key. ==Key== Shows the first 15 and last 15 characters of the installed public key. ==User and host== Shows the user and host for which this public key is valid. As long as this public key is installed, anyone with the matching private key (or certificate) can login to this server by SSH. ==Bits== Shows the bit-length of the installed public key or certificate. Keys or certificates with longer bit-length are generally considered safer. ==Action== Allows you to delete an installed public key. The user and host is then no longer allowed to login with that key or certificate. Please note: If that user is currently logged in, then this will not terminate his connection. He won't be allowed to login again with that key or certificate. ==Upload Public Key== This allows you to upload a public key. It will be added to authorized_keys automatically.