====Add Mailing List==== [[userguide:start|BlueOnyx]] > [[userguide:sitemanagement|Site Management]] > [[userguide:subdomains:mailman:mailmanlist|Mailing Lists]] > Add Mailing List ===Basic=== * **List Name**: Enter the name of the mailing list. Please enter only lowercase alphanumeric characters, hyphens, periods, and underscores. For example, sales is a valid entry. * **Remarks**: Enter additional information or comments about the mailing list here. ===Subscribers=== * **Show All Users**: Click here to display all users on the site. * **Show Only Selected Users**: Click here to show only users that are currently selected. * **Selected Users**: Shows which local users are subscribed to the mailing-list. You can mark or unmark the checkboxes to change the subscription status. * **User Name**: The name of the users on this virtual site. Select the checkboxes to add users to the mailing list. * **Full Name**: The full name of the user. * **Remote Subscribers**: Enter the remote users that are subscribers to this mailing list. Remote users are users who do not have accounts on this server appliance. Please enter a properly formatted email address. For example, user@example.com is a valid entry. * **Remote Subscribers (Digest)**: Enter the remote users who are subscribers to this mailing list. Remote users are users who do not have accounts on this server appliance. Please enter a properly formatted email address. For example, user@example.com is a valid entry. (Digest) ===Advanced=== * **Policies** * **Owner / Moderator**: Enter the email address of the user performing all administrative duties for the mailing list. Please enter a properly formatted email address or the username of a valid user on this server appliance. The default valid is admin. For example, user@example.com and admin are valid entries. * **Password**: Enter an administrative password for this mailing list. This password is used when performing certain list administration tasks via email (for example, approving subscriptions, or moderating messages). If you do not plan on using these features, you may leave this field blank. * **Posting Policy**: Select a posting policy for this mailing list. If you choose Moderator Confirms All Messages, every message will require approval from the list owner/moderator. * **Subscription Policy**: Select the list's subscription policy. Users can subscribe or unsubscribe from the list by sending mail to mailman@testdomain.virtbiz.com with the words 'subscribe list' or 'unsubscribe list' (list is the mailing list name) in the body of the message. If the policy is 'Closed', the message is sent to the list owner for approval before the subscription is allowed. Approval is never required to unsubscribe. * **Maximum Message Length**: Select the maximum message length in kilobytes or megabytes allowed for messages sent to this mailing list. Messages exceeding this size will be rejected. * **Reply Policy**: Set the reply policy for this mailing list. If you choose Reply to List, replies will go to the list. Otherwise, replies will only go to the original author of the message.